穆迪基金会向新大捐赠了1亿美元,用于创建独立的研究生院, 燃料重要研究

SMU will take a major step forward in serving the talent 和 research needs of a challenging world, thanks to a l和mark $100 million commitment from the Moody Foundation that will fund the University’s eighth degree-granting school – the 穆迪研究生和高级研究学院.

DALLAS (SMU) – SMU will take a major step forward in serving the talent 和 research needs of a challenging world, thanks to a l和mark $100 million commitment from the Moody Foundation that will fund the University’s eighth degree-granting school – the 穆迪研究生和高级研究学院.


“我们不能夸大这个礼物的力量和影响,”新大校长R. 杰拉尔德•特纳. “对于新大和达拉斯来说,这是一个转型的时刻, signaling that SMU is a premier institution with the means to be a full partner in commercial 和 global problem-solving, 以及为领导人提供应对这些挑战的渠道. 

“随着德州经济的繁荣, 公司和机构向新大这样的大学寻求创新理念, 数据驱动的研究和技术可以创造机会,特纳说. “The Moody School will be the portal to all of our resources – the entry point for any organization with a research challenge to approach the University for partnership.”


  • 支持新大教师和知名访问学者的捐赠和运营资金, 还当上了院长
  • Endowment 和 operational funds to provide competitive financial support for graduate students
  • 捐赠基金和运营基金用于招募顶尖学者进行改变世界的研究
  • 捐赠和业务资金提供灵活性,以刺激跨学科的工作 
  • 穆迪堂建设, to serve as headquarters for the Moody School 和 facilitate faculty 和 student interaction that generates interdisciplinary research

“The Moody Foundation exists to strengthen the future of 德州 和 Texans through big ideas like this one,弗朗西斯·穆迪-达尔伯格说, 基金会的执行董事兼主席. “We all know that transformative discoveries come when people from different disciplines 和 broad perspectives are free to collaborate in unique ways. SMU’s 穆迪研究生和高级研究学院 will encourage 和 support such innovative connections. I am eager to see what the combination of world-changing students 和 faculty coupled with exceptional resources will produce on this campus, 在该地区和整个德克萨斯州.”



“The profound nature of the Moody’s Foundation gift is the latest example of the growth of SMU’s status academically, 在程序上和慈善上,新加坡管理大学负责发展和对外事务的副校长Brad E. 厨师. “基金会以复杂的方式组织了这项投资, 新大和新的穆迪学院将在设施方面做好充分准备, 为履行其重要使命提供了资源和运营资金, 支持大学的战略计划.”


  • 激发和实现更大的跨学科合作和创造性地解决问题 
  • 吸引具有最强学术背景和潜力的学生 
  • 增加研究拨款
  • 提升大学卓越研究的声誉
  • Place SMU shoulder-to-shoulder with other prestigious private universities that historically focused on undergraduate education, 而是战略性地扩大了对研究生的服务和支持 
  • 加强与其他大学的合作, 包括UT西南医学中心, 产生高影响力研究项目的大公司和其他实体


The creation of the Moody School will increase the reputational value of an SMU graduate degree. Research with impact depends on strategically growing SMU’s talented pool of exceptional faculty 和 attracting the best 和 brightest master’s 和 Ph.D. 学生和博士后. 它们共同为发现提供了学术框架.

“新加坡管理大学长期以来一直提供一流的本科和专业课程,教务长兼学术事务副校长说 临时 彼得·K. 摩尔. “The creation of a graduate school will enable the University to build on its excellent graduate educational programs in the sciences, 人文学科, 工程, 艺术和教育来推动研究, 加强教学和信誉, 并对我们所做的每件事产生更大的影响. 这也意味着 为本科生提供更多机会, 谁通过与研究教员的联系得到指导, 研究生和博士后.”

The broad endowment funding provided by the Moody Foundation will guarantee the strength of the school in perpetuity, 而捐献所包含的营运资金将提供即时的影响.

新大目前提供25个博士学位.D. programs, awarding about 70 of the advanced degrees annually to students from all over the world. These degrees are administered through the students’ individual schools – Dedman College of Sciences 和 Humanities, 莱尔工程学院, 梅多斯艺术学院和西蒙斯教育与人类发展学院. 最终所有的研究生学位都被授予了戴德曼学院, 莱尔, 梅多斯和西蒙斯学校将通过穆迪学校联合管理, 研究生将获得与硕士学位相对应的毕业证书, 博士或博士学位.D. 他们各自就读的学校和穆迪学校.

The 考克斯商学院, 戴德曼法学院 和 珀金斯神学院 do not offer Ph.Ds. 并将继续在内部管理各自领域授予的最高学位. But the Moody School will link interdisciplinary research 和 professional development from all SMU schools.

关于 喜怒无常的基础

威廉L. 喜怒无常,小. 还有他的妻子, 莉比·赖斯,谢恩·穆迪, laid the groundwork for the family’s dedication to community involvement 和 philanthropy when they established the Moody Foundation in 1942 in Galveston, 德州. 该基金会的成立是为了造福现在和未来的德克萨斯人, 和, 从20世纪60年代开始,由玛丽·穆迪·诺森领导, 它开始在全州范围内发放助学金, 通常专注于私立学院和大学的资本项目, 以及对儿童健康项目的支持, 图书馆和历史保护计划. 从20世纪80年代中期开始,由Robert L. 喜怒无常、老.现任主席 名誉, major investment in local Foundation-initiated projects related to traumatic brain injury 和 the development of tourism in Galveston were a key focus. 随着基金会范围的扩大和加强, 在北德克萨斯建立一个永久地点的必要性变得显而易见, 和, in 1966, 他在达拉斯设立了一个办事处,负责监督当地的举措.

现在,奥巴马的曾孙女. 和夫人. 威廉L. 喜怒无常,小. 1992年毕业,是新大的理事, 达拉斯人Frances Moody-Dahlberg说, 和她哥哥一起, 罗斯喜怒无常, 和侄女, 伊丽莎白喜怒无常, 作为主席和执行董事领导基金会. 在他们的指导下, the Moody Foundation has exp和ed its statewide giving 和 continuing partnering with local groups to fund major projects. 在德州大学西南分校, they have supported the Children’s Research Institute with major equipment 和 created the position of Robert L. 喜怒无常、老. 教授学者. 2017年,他们与达拉斯市合作支持AT&T表演艺术中心和, 以加强达拉斯小型和不断增长的非营利表演艺术组织, 他们成立了穆迪艺术基金. 为了表彰,城市表演大厅更名为穆迪表演大厅.

新加坡管理大学与穆迪基金会有着长达数十年的合作关系. 在这么多年里, the two organizations have joined forces to make SMU facilities such as Fondren Science Building in 德曼人文科学学院, Owen Arts Center in 梅多斯艺术学院 和 Moody Coliseum exceptional resources for the SMU campus 和 the greater Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex. The two organizations have collaborated to empower faculty research at the Annette Caldwell 西蒙斯教育学院 和 人类发展, aiming to quantify data 和 identify solutions to homelessness among students in the Houston/Galveston area as well as developing cutting-edge programs to help adults 和 students achieve literacy.

This most recent seminal gift to establish the 穆迪研究生和高级研究学院 is in keeping with the Foundation’s long-st和ing tradition of support for institutions 和 communities in the state of 德州. It is yet another way the Moody Foundation has demonstrated its enduring values that have led to more than seven decades of impactful generosity.

关于 SMU

SMU是位于充满活力的城市达拉斯的全国排名的全球研究型大学. SMU的校友, 教职员工近12人,000 students in eight degree-granting schools demonstrate an entrepreneurial spirit as they lead change in their professions, 社区与世界.