Building enterprising spirit

简R. 和帕特年代. Bolin ’73 commit $7.5 million to the Cox School of Business

Building enterprising spirit

A $7.5 million gift from 简R. 和帕特年代. Bolin ’73 to SMU’s Edwin L. Cox School of Business will foster collaboration inside and outside the classroom, and strengthen students’ advanced data analysis skills.

The Bolins’ gift will combine with a $7.5 million designation by 吉娜L. 塔克·S. Bridwell 73, 从他们之前宣布的捐资中拿出74年的钱来建造新的博林-布里德威尔音乐厅, part of the future Cox School renovation and expansion project. Bolin-Bridwell Hall将提供一个反映不断发展的工作场所的学习环境,并使用最新技术来建立学生的数据流畅性.

“我很感激简和帕特让学生们成为下一代商业领袖,” said SMU President R. Gerald Turner. “Bolin-Bridwell Hall将成为考克斯学校教育设施的重要补充.”

“This is the perfect time to invest in the future of the Cox School.”

Inside Bolin-Bridwell Hall, 课堂空间和课外协作领域将支持创新教学实践,培养顶尖公司所寻求和企业家所需要的协作技能. 该设施将促进学校的所有三个课程支柱:领导力, analytics and experiential learning. 

“简和我被吉娜和塔克给新大的慷慨礼物所鼓舞, who have been great friends to us for more than 50 years,” said Pat Bolin, a longtime leader in the energy industry and the Dallas community. “我们认为,现在是投资考克斯商学院未来、让学生为不断变化的商业世界做好准备的最佳时机.”

Bolin-Bridwell Hall的一些教室将专门用于技术、数据和数据分析. 会议空间将为推动创新和研究的合作提供空间. 学生还将通过与企业合作伙伴的高参与度项目来发展他们的商业技能. Bolin-Bridwell Hall will also be the new home for the Bridwell Institute for Economic Freedom, which will examine and promote free enterprise in markets around the globe.

Expected impact

  • Builds the leadership, 顶尖公司所追求的分析和协作技能,对企业家来说至关重要.
  • 提供现代化的空间,促进课堂内外的协作学习.
  • Strengthens students’ advanced data analytics skills.
  • 为企业合作伙伴和新大领先的能源工业研究所提供高度参与的项目的新家.

“吉娜和我很高兴与我们的朋友简和帕特合作,进一步提高考克斯学生的产出, faculty and staff,” said Tucker Bridwell, an esteemed energy industry executive.

新的柏林-布里德威尔大厅将提高考克斯学院学生备受赞誉的学术经验,并提升学校在吸引优秀学生方面的优势, faculty and corporate partners. 面对主教大道,与其他新大建筑共享传统的乔治亚学院建筑外观, the new facility will act as the northwest anchor of the transformed business school quad. 

“我感谢博林和布里德威尔家族对考克斯学校未来的投资,”他说 马修·B. Myers, dean of the SMU Cox School of Business. “What happens in Bolin-Bridwell Hall will exemplify our new pedagogy that enhances the leadership skills our students need.” 

The gifts extend the Bolin and Bridwell families’ legacies of support for SMU and the Cox School of Business and promise to elevate the Cox School’s already outstanding global reputation.

帕特和简多年来一直是北德克萨斯慈善团体的常客, and we have always been grateful for their steadfast support of SMU,” said Brad E. Cheves, SMU vice president for Development and External Affairs. “博林-布里德维尔大厅将是一个建立博林夫妇和布里德维尔夫妇通过他们所有的商业和慈善活动展示的进取精神的地方,这是合适的。.”

帕特年代. Bolin serves as executive chairman of Eagle Oil & 气体有限公司., which he co-founded in 1976 with his father, D. Phil Bolin, and business partner, Warren T. 艾尔斯. He is also the company’s former president and CEO. Pat Bolin serves on the board of Veritex 社区 Bank of Dallas. 他于1973年毕业于SMU,获得心理学学士学位,是SMU Cox商学院执行委员会和学校Maguire能源研究所顾问委员会的成员. 

帕特是野马俱乐部的长期成员,也是新大田径运动的支持者. 他是达拉斯销售俱乐部的成员,并积极参与俱乐部的所有活动和社区外展. Pat is also an active member of the Dallas Wildcat Committee, where he has served as chairman, in addition to other various leadership roles. Having served as the chair for The Nature Conservancy Dallas advisory board, Pat Bolin continues his support as a board member. He is also an active member of the board of directors for Goodwill Industries. In 2008, Pat and his wife, 简, 为新大考克斯商学院创立了帕特和简·博林工商管理硕士学者捐赠基金. Pat and 简 Bolin were also supporters of the Moody Coliseum Renovation. 2010年,新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院授予帕特·博林杰出校友奖.


简R. 自2013年成立以来,Bolin是Pat and 简 Bolin Family Foundation的顾问,也是Sterling Family Partners的董事会成员. Born and raised in Indianola, 密西西比州, 简 Bolin于1978年毕业于密西西比大学并获得文学学士学位. 目前, 简是SMU帕金斯神学院的董事会成员,也是贝勒·斯科特和怀特·达拉斯基金会庆祝女性午餐会的顾问委员会成员. 简 is a past board member of Camp John Marc and Elizabeth Toon Charities. 简还担任韦斯利-兰金社区中心福利的荣誉主席, 同时也是年度多发性硬化症“移动”午宴的名誉主席. 博林夫妇有两个儿子,两个了不起的儿媳和三个孙子.

塔克年代. 布里德威尔是曼塞菲尔德投资公司和阿比林的迪安·格雷夫斯·欧文基金会的总裁, 德州. Additionally, he manages MDJ Minerals. He is a board member of Concho Resources, Inc. and First Financial Bankshares, where he serves as lead director. 他获得了SMU Cox School of Business的工商管理硕士和工商管理硕士学位,是SMU董事会成员和Cox School执行董事会副主席. 2007年,新大授予他考克斯学院杰出校友称号,并于2018年授予他杰出校友奖. 塔克·布里德威尔的公民荣誉包括麦克默里大学的荣誉人文博士学位, Abilene Outstanding Citizen of the Year, and the Distinguished Citizen Award from the Boy Scouts of America.

吉娜L. Bridwell served on the Governor’s Commission for Women, the Advisory Council of the 德州 Conference for Women, and as a trustee for the Old Jail Art Center, The Grace Museum, and Hendrick Hospice Care. 她是沙龙俱乐部和泛希腊女校友协会的主席,并担任阿比林圣家教会的牧区委员会主席. She is a graduate of Oklahoma State University. 在SMU, the Bridwells have generously supported student scholarships, the Moody Coliseum renovation, 室内表演中心的建设和布里德威尔经济自由研究所的建立. They have four children, one of whom graduated from SMU.