LL.M. for Foreign Law School Graduates

新大戴德曼法学院为国际学生提供了一个机会,让他们有机会成为一个充满活力的社区的一部分, scholarly community with the advantage of studying in Dallas, Texas.

Dallas is not only an international 业务 center, 而是一个充满活力的文化中心,位于美国东海岸和西海岸之间,以气候温和而闻名, 阳光明媚的气候. Established in 1949, the law school's LL.M. 国际法和比较法在培养世界上一些最重要的领导人方面发挥了重要作用. We are proud of the more than 2,000 graduates from 80 countries who hold prominent positions in government, 法律实践, 业务, 司法, and legal education worldwide.




Student Spotlight: Germany

SMU Law Alumnus: Dorothee Atwell '09



Student Spotlight: 墨西哥

SMU Dedman Law Alumnus: Antonio Pena, LL.M. '04, J.D. '06




LL.M. International and Comparative

Dr. 我是查理·艾尔·卡里

Dr. 我是查理·艾尔·卡里

LL.M. International and Comparative Law

何塞T. Smeke桑切斯

何塞T. Smeke桑切斯

LL.M. International and Comparative
Rurngchai Ruangsri

Rurngchai Ruangsri

LL.M. International and Comparative Law



LL.M. International and Comparative

我们的成员 教师 are known as experts in their fields, nationally and internationally. 他们有优秀的学历,绝大多数人在进入教学生涯之前都有实践经验. A strong 教师 translates to a strong curriculum.

In addition to our diverse curriculum, students are invited to take advantage of the many activities outside the classroom. 在SMU, 全年的国际会议和讲座将丰富您的学习经验, 邀请国际知名人士到校园讨论当前的全球法律问题.  国际啊.M. students take classes with American J.D. students and participate in our 律师事务所项目 -在新生培训中引入的一个项目,学生们可以在小组中与同学们联系, 教师, 学生领袖, 职业顾问, 和校友们在新大戴德曼法学院学习期间的社区体验.

的会.M. 学位 for Foreign Law School Graduates is a one-year, 全日制课程的学生谁持有基本的法律学位,从公认的国际法学院. 参加该学位课程的学生必须完成24个学分,包括必修的美国法律体系视角两学分课程. The remaining courses are elective and offer a wide range of choices. 学生可以自由选择各种各样的课程,并可以设计他们的LL.M. 学位 to meet their needs and goals in studying in the United States.  学生 desiring to take a bar examination in Texas在美国、纽约或加州,学生可以参加参加这些考试所需的课程.  其他学生可能想专攻国际研究或其他法律领域.

该计划的主要目标是提高国际学生的法律技能,使他或她可能成为一个更有效的律师和社会成员. In this respect the 程序 seeks to develop: 

  • an appreciation of the role of law in national and international development 

  • the ability to identify, through comparative and international studies, policy considerations of various legal rules

  • an appreciation of the role of the lawyer in social and economic change 

  • 法律分析和解决问题的能力,使学生能够满足我们现代社会的复杂需求

  • a basic understanding of the U.S. legal system, as studied from a comparative perspective

  • 在跨国环境中处理商业和法律利益的参考框架

查看 PDF 联邦调查局局长.M. for Foreign Law School Graduates 招生 Information Sheet.


An applicant for admission to the LL.M. 外国法学院的毕业生必须是被认可的外国法学院的毕业生. The applicant's undergraduate record must demonstrate scholarly legal aptitude. 英语为第二语言的申请人必须提供英语作为外语考试(托福)或国际英语语言测试系统(雅思)的证据。. U.S. trained law students may not apply to this 学位 程序.


An applicant must include with the application: a short curriculum vitae; evidence of proficiency in English (normally a TOEFL or IELTS score); a certified transcript in English of grades received in law school; two letters of recommendation in English (or translated into English); evidence of financial ability to pay tuition, 费用, and all other expenses during the applicant's stay in the United States; and a recent head and shoulders photograph of the applicant.

For information on how to apply to the LL.M. 程序 点击这里.


We do not have a separate application for LL.M奖学金. Your application for LL.M. admission serves as your scholarship application.

Available scholarships include:

  • The Celis Law Group 奖学金:  Under the terms of the scholarship, 法学院将向来自墨西哥法学院的优秀申请者颁发三(3)份全额学杂费奖学金. 申请人必须持有认可的墨西哥法学院或大学的法学学士学位. The scholarships will be awarded from among admitted applicants from 墨西哥. 戴德曼法学院法学硕士课程的入学申请应在4月30日或之前收到, 2024年秋季. 未获得Celis法律团体奖学金的申请人有资格获得其他奖学金,这些奖学金将在入学时颁发.
  • The Helmut Sohmen 奖学金:  Provide full tuition, 学费和每月最多8名回国工作的中国学生的生活津贴..

  • In addition to the above scholarships, 全日制学生可以获得有限数量的学费减免奖学金.


新大戴德曼法学院提供丰富的课程,以提高国际学生的法律技能,使他们成为更有效的律师. The diversity and depth of courses offered can be found in the 目录 或者在 课程时间表 清单.


2024-2025 LL.M. 学费, 费用, and 估计费用 (standard course load of 12-17 hours).

For more information see:  Graduate 学费 and 费用.

全日制课程的学杂费允许学生每学期学习8到14个小时. To be considered full time, a student must take at least 8 credit hours. 注册少于8个学分的学生被认为是该计划的兼职学生.

学费 $58,504
费用 $7,540
生活费用 $20,000
杂项./医疗保险 $4,000
总计 $90,044
Note: If you are bringing family to the United States, you are required to show proof of an additional $8,每名受养人600元.  If you are bringing more than one dependent, 除了8美元,600, you are required to show proof of $4,每个受抚养人300美元.SMU's Mandatory Health Insurance Policy


新大的强制性健康保险政策要求学生每学期提供保险范围文件(豁免)或注册(选择)学生健康保险计划(SHIP). 为了避免自动注册到SHIP,从而在您的学生帐户中申请半年保费, 你必须在你的学生中心每学期采取措施放弃SHIP保险.SMU.edu帐户.  Note: The Health Insurance button in the Student Center component of my.SMU.edu will appear only after a student has enrolled for classes each semester.
Read More about the policy.


希望在美国从事法律工作并有资格在其中一个州或哥伦比亚特区获得律师资格的国际学生应该熟悉他们计划执业的特定司法管辖区的律师资格入学要求. Bar admission requirements vary from state to state. Some states require applicants to have a J.D. 学位, 而另一些则只需要在这个国家的法律学校获得一定数量的课程学分.  Texas now allows qualified foreign educated attorneys who have completed an LL.M. 学位 to sit for the Texas Bar examination.
For complete rules governing Admission to the State Bar of Texas 点击这里.

有关外国教育申请人和外国律师参加德克萨斯州律师资格考试的概况介绍 点击这里.