Opening the Door to Albert Outler


Outler was great Wesley scholar — and a pack rat

By Sam Hodges

  The United Methodist scholar Albert C. Outler taught at 
  Perkins School of Theology, and this 1970s image shows 
  him meeting with Perkins’ students. Outler’s reorganized 
  papers are now available at Perkins’ Bridwell Library.



Albert C. Outler remains a towering figure in United Methodism, 他留下了一堆堆积如山的文件——大约370个档案箱.

They include letters, drafts of sermons and articles, notes and syllabi for courses, 以及人们可能期望的卫斯理研究领域开创性学者的其他文件.

但奥特勒(1908-1989)还保留着二战时期的汽油配给卡. 他保存了他的“按餐收费”,这是信用卡的前身. From his travels for speaking engagements, Outler kept airline ticket stubs, restaurant napkins and sugar packets.

He kept matches.

   Colleen Bradley-Sanders, an archivist, spent 6,000
   hours, over more than four years, reorganizing the
   Albert Outler papers at Bridwell Library.

“That was probably the most alarming thing I found,” said archivist Colleen Bradley-Sanders, reflecting her profession’s special dread of fire. “I gave them to our facilities manager to dispose of.”

From 2010 to 2014, Bradley-Sanders put in 6,在布里德威尔图书馆整理奥特勒的论文, 南威尼斯人娱乐城珀金斯神学院的一部分.

这是第一次有完整的奥特勒收藏指南, available online and in print. Bridwell’s website includes highlights from the collection, 比如奥特勒在1968年达拉斯联合大会上的布道, officially creating The United Methodist Church.

布里德威尔还展出了一件来自这些藏品的展品, featuring 90 items — though no matches.

The library’s combined efforts have a single aim.

“我们希望新一代学者能注意到这位联合卫理公会和普世教会的领军人物,” said Timothy Binkley, 他是布里德威尔的档案管理员,负责监督布拉德利-桑德斯的工作,并策划了这次展览.

Within and without Methodism


他曾在杜克神学院、耶鲁神学院任教,最后在珀金斯学院任教. 他编辑了一本约翰·卫斯理布道集,并制定了卫斯理四边形, 哪一种观点认为基督徒应该遵从圣经, tradition, reason and experience as they live their faith.

究竟有多真实的约翰卫斯理的神学四边形仍然是一个争论的问题. 但这是《威尼斯人博彩》的一部分, 是联合卫理公会神职人员教育的一部分,也是奥特勒遗产的很大一部分.

再加上奥特勒在联合卫理公会的创立中所扮演的角色, including leading the doctrinal study commission, 当代学者认为他是该教派历史上不可或缺的人物.

“他的工作和职业生涯塑造了我们现在的样子,” said Leicester Longden, 迪比克神学院联合卫理公会研究项目的名誉副教授和主任.

Outler wrote on other topics, such as Christology, pneumatology (study of the Holy Spirit), and pastoral counseling and psychotherapy. 布里斯托尔出版社出版的九卷本《威尼斯人博彩》证明了他的多产.


“他的教区是整个教派,”宾克利说. “He was a very popular speaker.”

奥特勒的名声和影响超出了卫理公会. 他在世界教会协会发表讲话,并担任梵蒂冈第二届大公会议的官方观察员.

SMU vs. Yale

像欧特勒这样忙碌的学者一定会写很多论文. But his pack-rat tendencies also came into play.

如果报纸上的文章提到了奥特勒,他就拯救了整张报纸. He kept multiple copies of a course syllabus, 以及他任职的所有学术委员会的记录, even if he didn’t have much of a role.

通过消除冗余并将一些材料移至新大主图书馆, 布里德威尔图书馆将藏书减少了一半以上.


布里德威尔的展览给了奥特勒第一个布道的执照, 他在联合大会上布道的手写草稿, 以及他与著名神学家H. Richard Niebuhr.

There’s a photo of Outler meeting Pope Paul VI, and awards Outler received from Catholic, Greek Orthodox and Jewish groups.

  Albert C. 奥特勒用一本便笺簿来写他的决定
  at Southern Methodist University. The item is part of an exhibit on Outler
  at Perkins’ Bridwell Library.

一页纸显示,奥特勒正在考虑是否离开耶鲁,前往帕金斯和新大. In two columns, he listed pros and cons, 他说他住的地方有一个很好的花园,耶鲁大学是“全国最好的学校”,而且新大还提供了更多的钱和在他的家乡南方为卫理公会服务的机会.

The exhibit runs through May 1, 但布里德威尔将继续在网上发布它和其他收藏的亮点. 整理后的论文将继续供学者使用.


“我认为需要写的一篇论文是关于他担任主席的理论研究委员会的所有文件,” Longden said. “这将表明,从一开始我们就是一个极其多样化的群体. 如果我们看不到这一点,我们就无法理解为什么我们现在会分裂.”


In 2008, he was considering doing an Outler biography, to follow the one by Bob Parrott, published a decade after Outler’s death. 朗登翻阅了大约40个档案箱才感到不知所措. He put the project on hold.

现在收藏品精简了,也更有条理了, 他宣称自己“完全重新投入”这本传记.

Given his subject, it will still be a job.

“I’m looking at five years,” Longden said.




霍奇斯是联合卫理公会新闻社(United Methodist News Service)的撰稿人,住在达拉斯. Contact him at (615) 742-5470 or