Jonathan McGregor



Professional website:


Educational Background


PhD, English and American Literature, Washington University in St. Louis

AM, English and American Literature, Washington University in St. Louis




As a teacher, Jonathan aims to build students’ confidence—often shot from bad prior writing experiences—by helping them to develop a flexible and reliable writing process. He doesn’t just want them to know how to write English essays; he wants them to think in terms of audience, genre conventions, and purpose, so that they can successfully navigate future writing situations in different disciplines and in their professional lives. As a writer, Jonathan works in literary history, creative nonfiction, and poetry. His first book, Communion of Radicals: The Literary Christian Left in Twentieth-Century America, is forthcoming fall 2021 from Louisiana State University Press. His essays and poetry have appeared in publications including Gulf Coast, Image Journal, Dappled Things, and Ruminate Magazine.


Areas of Interest


Writing pedagogy, religion and literature, radical politics, modern and contemporary American literature





Communion of Radicals: The Literary Christian Left in Twentieth-Century America (Forthcoming from LSU Press, Fall 2021)

Scholarly Articles

“Black Medievalism: Claude McKay’s Late Catholic Poetry.” Forthcoming inReligion and Literature 51.3-52.1 (Fall 2019-Spring 2020).

“A Queer Orthodoxy: Monastic Socialism and Celibate Sexuality in Vida Dutton Scudder and Ralph Adams Cram.”Journal of American Studies52.1 (February 2018), pp. 65-90. 10.1017/S0021875817000433>.


“Grace/less.” Forthcoming inHyped on Melancholy5.

“Exit Music.”Gulf Coast33.1, pp. 203-216.

“Vida Dutton Scudder: A Companion for Today’s Comrades.”The Hour1.3 (St. Mary the Virgin 

2020), pp. 39-41. <>.

Poetic Theodicies.”Relief: A Journal of Art and Faith(Spring 2020), pp. 45-51.

“Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing.”Fathom Magazine34. March 10, 2020. 


“Jonathan Anderson and the Life of Modern Art.”Good Letters,theImage JournalBlog. March 18, 2019. <


“Waymarks: Willa Cather and the Quest for Sacred Form.”Good Letters, theImage Journalblog. 

November 12, 2018. <>.

“‘Between History and a Hard Place’: BenjaminHertwig’sSlow Warand D.F. Brown’sGhost of a 

Person Passing in Front of the Flag.”War, Literature & the Arts30 (September 2018). 


“The Mezzanine Floor: Spirituality and the Aesthetics of the In-Between.”The Spectacle. May 16, 

2018. <>. 

*Nominated by editors for Best of the Net 2018*

“The Thorn and the Heart: Anxiety, Irony, and Faith.”Image Journal90 (December 2016), pp. 79-85




“Arthrocentesis”and“Arjuna Beholds the Cosmic Krishna.Proem2 (October 2020), pp. 118 &


“Homing,” “Telemachus,” and “Cast your bread upon the waters.”Dappled Things15.2(Pentecost 

2020), pp. 82-85.

“Goodnight Moon,” “Harold and the Purple Crayon,” and “The Going to Bed Book.”The Spectacle

March 16, 2020. <>. 

“In the country of your illness” and “A Hawk at Table.”Leaping Clear. December 21, 2018.


“Poem to Cheyenne Mountain.” What Rough Beast series at IndolentBooks.December 19, 2018. 


“Biopsy.”Ruminate Magazine43(June 2017), p. 45.

Beauna.”The Curator. April 2, 2015. 


Courses Taught

WRTR 1313 (Spring 2021)

Johnathon mcgregor