Sponsorship Request

Please Note: The SMU Human Rights Program is not accepting Sponsorship Requests for the 2019-2020 academic year. We hope to begin accepting requests again next fall.

Thank you for inviting the SMU Human Rights Program to sponsor an event. While we receive more requests each year than we can accept, our goal is to support as many meaningful opportunities to understand, promote, and defend human rights as possible.

The SMU Human Rights Program is happy to help develop ideas. However, we do not host or fund pre-arranged events. Individuals and organizations can receive funding once every three years. Requests must meet all of the following criteria for consideration:

1. Directly reflect the SMU Human Rights Program mission.
2. Offer significant benefit to the SMU community - especially human rights students.
3. Promote open dialogue and nonviolent activity.
4. Involve the SMU Human Rights Program as a full partner in planning.
5. Not exclude individuals on the basis of social location.
6. Not charge for admission or serve as a fundraiser.

If your event meets these criteria, please respond to the questions below. Funds are typically allocated at least one full semester ahead of time. Completed forms should be emailed to Program Coordinator Sherry Aikman at saikman@ap-db.com.

Download the Sponsorship Request form by clicking here.