新大的Gerald J. 福特球场

The 加里•韦伯 Foundation gives $50 million to create the Garry 韦伯末端区综合体

加里·韦伯基金会承诺的五千万美元, 由前野马队足球明星加里·A. 韦伯的58, is the largest gift in the history of SMU 体育运动 and 支持s a $100 million drive for a new 192,500平方英尺的加里·韦伯末端区综合大楼. 福特球场. The 加里•韦伯 Foundation’s gift continues an exciting new era for Mustang football and SMU as part of the University’s recently announced $1.50亿美元的竞选, 新大点燃:大胆塑造明天. 有了动力, 新大体育部将达到一个新的里程碑, having invested $250 million to develop and enhance championship-caliber athletic facilities across campus.

I hope that this gift will inspire SMU’s student-athletes and Mustang  fans to dream bigger than they thought possible and to strive for a new level of excellence.

——加里·A. Weber ' 58, Weber Financial Inc .创始人.

“多年来,加里·韦伯一直是新大发展和成功的重要组成部分,新加坡管理大学校长R. 杰拉尔德•特纳. "从优秀的学生运动员到杰出的校友和捐赠者, 他对新大的贡献怎么说都不为过. We are incredibly honored by the 加里•韦伯 Foundation’s gift and excited about the impact this gift will have on all of SMU 体育运动. 自成立以来,新加坡管理大学一直专注于我们所做的一切. 优秀的体育运动增加了大学的知名度.”


  • 提高效率, occupancy and functionality of 福特球场 through better accessibility and premium fan seating.
  • Empowers Mustang student-athletes with dynamic new spaces for strategy- and team-building activities.
  • Strengthens the health and well-being of SMU 体育运动 through improved nutrition and sports medicine facilities, 以及更好的训练和恢复选择.
  • Furthers SMU 体育运动’ momentum toward the upper echelons of competitive athletics.

The new Garry 韦伯末端区综合体 will anchor 福特球场’s south bowl that will connect the stadium’s existing east and west gate entries. 新综合体的三层将增加功能, efficiency and overall experience of Mustang football for student-athletes and fans, 以及激发新大校园内对体育运动的兴趣和投资. 以团队为中心的空间将包括新的更衣室, 健身房, 职位专用会议室, a full-team auditorium and a kitchen and training table to 支持 all of SMU’s 484 student-athletes. The new facility will also house football coaches, 支持 staff and video and recruiting services.

“新大和达拉斯在我的人生中都扮演了重要的角色, and I feel honored to pay it forward to the next generation of Mustang student-athletes and fans,韦伯说. “Being a member of a team means striving for success for yourself and those around you, and I’m proud to continue to be a part of Mustang football and its future success and growth. I hope that this gift will inspire SMU’s student-athletes and Mustang fans to dream bigger than they thought possible and to strive for a new level of excellence.”

新建的大厅将为球迷提供优质的体验, 扩建客房设施, improve pedestrian accessibility and add an inviting breezeway that joins the stadium’s entryways to the internal field. 该设施将反映该大学的乔治亚学院建筑风格, 这是众所周知的.

“加里•韦伯 Foundation’s gift exemplifies the kind of spirit that we hope to instill in our student-athletes,里克·哈特说, 新加坡管理大学体育主任. “作为一名前野马队球员和社区领袖, 用他的名字来装饰新球馆是再合适不过了. This gift will continue our momentum toward a bright future that would not be possible without Garry’s generosity. His belief in the SMU student-athlete experience – in shaping champions – will serve as an inspiration to the entire SMU community.”

“有了这份礼物, we are capitalizing on the incredible momentum that our football program is currently experiencing and ushering in an exciting new era of Mustang football,瑞德·艾希礼说, 新大橄榄球队主教练. “The Garry 韦伯末端区综合体 will leave a legacy that creates a lasting impact on our student-athletes for generations. It will also allow us to attract the very best future recruits to join the Mustang family.”

This gift will continue our momentum toward a bright future that would not be possible without 加里•韦伯’s generosity.


The 加里•韦伯 Foundation’s gift builds on a longtime legacy of excellence in SMU 体育运动. 2020年将迎来20周年纪念, 福特体育场已经成为新大体育成就和野马骄傲的象征, 创造了一种新的尾随传统,被称为“大道”.“这座体育场是由新大董事杰拉尔德·J. Ford ’66, ’69, who was joined by dedicated Mustang alumni, donors and community members.

“我很荣幸福特球场以我的名字命名, 我对这次扩张计划感到高兴,福特说。. “Garry’s gift is a generous investment in SMU and Mustang 体育运动 and continues our high expectations for University excellence.”

“We are incredibly grateful for 加里•韦伯’s generosity and continued enthusiasm for Mustang football, SMU体育和我们伟大的大学,布拉德说。. 新加坡管理大学负责发展和对外事务的副校长Cheves说. “His historic commitment kicks off a challenge to all of Mustang Nation to reach the $100 million goal as quickly as possible.”

加里•韦伯58届的加里·韦伯是Edwin L. 新加坡管理大学考克斯商学院. 野马足球队的前成员, Weber served on the SMU Board of Trustees from 1984 to 1996 and has been a member of the Edwin L. 在考克斯商学院执行委员会任职超过30年. In 1998, Weber received the University’s highest honor, the Distinguished 校友 Award. In 2016, 他获得了“野马银奖”, 这是新大莱特曼协会颁发的最负盛名的奖项. 活跃在新大和整个达拉斯, Weber has contributed generously to SMU and various educational and philanthropic causes including Scottish Rite for Children, UT西南, 联合劝募协会和美国童子军, 等.

曾担任达拉斯县法官和市议会议员, 韦伯是韦伯金融公司的创始人., as well as an active individual investor in venture capital and late-stage hedge funds.

新资助的综合设施将支持 SMU点燃 运动’s goal of enhancing campus infrastructure and strengthening the North Texas community through competitive athletics and diverse programming and encouraging civic pride. 要了解更多关于加里韦伯末端区综合设施的信息,请访问ap-db.com/endzone.

一个至关重要的部分 SMU点燃 运动, the 加里•韦伯 Foundation’s gift is the most recent in a series of significant commitments to SMU’s future, 包括卡洛琳·L. 大卫·B. 米勒72年, ’73 for endowed scholarships and the expansion and renovation of the 考克斯商学院 facilities and $100 million from the Moody Foundation to establish the Moody School of Graduate and Advanced Studies. 要了解如何参与新大令人兴奋的新校园发展,请访问 ap-db.com/ignited/goals/enhance .