
一旦莱尔少校被宣布, 然后学生可以选择第二专业, 双学位课程, 以及其他专业和/或辅修专业. To add these additional programs of study, students must complete the 大/小变更表 然后提交给他们的学术顾问.

A student’s grade point average (cumulative GPA) is computed by multiplying the credit hours of each course attempted by the grade points earned in the particular course and then dividing the total number of grade points by the total number of hours attempted, excluding those hours for which grades are shown with an asterisk on the grade chart. The GPA is truncated, not rounded, at three decimal places. 有关估算GPA的帮助,请参阅 GPA计算器 在新大网站上.

Your DRP will also have your GPA calculate for the term, 主要的/minor, and cumulative. dpr可在以下网址查阅 my.ap-db.com.

For more information, refer to Enrollment and Academic Records, Grade Point Average, in the 本科目录.

Students may email their advisor or use SMU booking to arrange a meeting time. 莱尔咨询信息可以找到 在这里.

如果咨询小组提供上门服务, you may visit the suite without a scheduled appointment to meet with your advisor.

你可以在 OIT培训网页.

SMU grants credit and placement for scores of 4 or 5 on most AP examinations taken in high school. 将获得学分 只有 高中时参加的考试. AP考试成绩被评估, and SMU course credit is assigned based on the articulation policies in effect for the term that students matriculate to the University, 不管测试是什么时候进行的.

学生可能不会获得AP考试的学分, an International Baccalaureate exam and a college course covering the same subject matter; i.e.,等同课程只会颁发一次. Students may decline all or part of their test credit in favor of taking the equivalent credit at SMU; declining credit is an irrevocable declaration. Credit granted by SMU is not considered resident credit and does not count toward the 60 resident hours required for an SMU degree.

An official copy of test results must be sent from the testing agency to the University Registrar’s Office for credit. 方便咨询和注册, students should submit their official scores no later than the first day of class.

了解更多信息, 参考招生, Credit by Examination Audition and Portfolio Review in the 本科目录.

当学生第一次进入新大时, they are assigned an academic pre-主要的 advisor by the 莱尔’s record’s office. Each student must meet with his or her assigned academic advisor before enrolling for an academic term. 指导老师将协助学生 in planning a program of study, 了解学位进度报告, and scheduling courses that will count toward graduation requirements. 在最初要求的咨询会议之后, the student is encouraged to seek assistance from the advisor when considering whether to add or drop courses.

为了建立有效的咨询关系, the student must be prepared when meeting with the advisor and initiate the 建议任命. 指导老师将协助学生, but the student has the final responsibility for accuracy of the enrollment, the applicability of courses toward the degree requirements, 以及他或她的学习成绩.

After completing 24 credit hours and meeting other program admission requirements, 学生可能有资格申报他们的 主要的 and transfer their records to an advisor in the department that houses their 主要的. The University requires students to qualify for and declare a 主要的 upon completion of 75 credit hours, 包括学分考试和转学工作.

学生必须符合 子集的需求 为他们的专业做准备. 每个部门都有一套不同的要求. After students have completed 24 credit hours and all subset required classes, they can submit the 主要声明表格 使他们的专业正式.

First-year students and transfer students entering in or after Fall 2020 will follow the new Common Curriculum.

可在此找到有关共同课程的资料 在这里

For a more in-depth view of the Common Curriculum, requirements can be found 在这里

The University Curriculum applies to admitted and attending students prior to Fall 2020 or who transferred to SMU with 30 or more hours before the Fall 2020 semester. 有关大学课程的信息可在此找到 在这里

For a more in-depth view of the University Curriculum, requirements can be found 在这里.

这些信息可以在 教务处网页

学术咨询, Registration and Orientation) is a two-day orientation event designed for entering First-Year Students at SMU. During AARO, students learn more about their intended 主要的 requirements and campus resources. Students enroll in classes with the help of their academic advisor. For further information and how to participate in AARO, please visit the 学生事务 website. 


适用于2017年秋季或之后的课程, undergraduate students may repeat up to six courses taken at SMU for which grades of D+ 或者更低. 重修课程的分数, 即使更低, 这个分数会被用来计算学生的GPA吗. 在此政策下,一门课程只能重复一次. Students must repeat the exact same course originally taken to be considered a repeat.

*Students who entered SMU during 2016-17 under the 2016-2017 First-Year Repeat policy may repeat classes taken before fall 2017, 根据该政策的指导方针.

Additional information on this policy can be found under “Grades for Repeated Courses” in the section titled Academic Records, 一般和招生标准在 本科目录.

SMU and 莱尔 offer many options to help students with their academics. A list of programs and opportunities you may wish to take part in can be found 在这里. 经常向你的导师寻求学术上的帮助, 因为他们可能有额外的资源供你利用.

莱尔 has five departments and seven 主要的s with various specializations. 你可以参考个别部门的网页 莱尔网页 或者查看莱尔所有大调和小调的名单 建议学位计划.

To find detailed information on the different requirements for each 主要的, please go to the 本科目录 并参考目录中的莱尔部分