
The following outcomes for individual degree programs have been adopted by the 教师 of 珀金斯神学院.


  1. 解释圣经. 学生将能有效地诠释经文, using a wide variety of approaches informed by an understanding of biblical history, the social and cultural realities of ancient Israel and the early church, 以及译员自己的语境.
  2. 理解历史和文化. 学生将演示 an understanding of the life and thought of the Christian community in its historical expressions and of the interrelations between Christianity and global 文化.
  3. 神学和伦理反思. 学生将能够 engage in constructive 神学 and ethical reflection, informed by an understanding of the content of the Christian faith in its historical and contemporary articulations, as well as current Christian thinking on philosophical, 科学, 政治和文化发展.
  4. 既定的领导角色. 学生将演示 the capacity to function successfully and effectively in the various roles of ordained 引领ership, evidencing critical awareness of the social context of their ministry and the capacity to have an impact on that context.
  5. 崇拜的领导. 学生将展示计划的能力, 引领, and assess the basic rituals of the church in ways appropriate to local community and to the wider Christian tradition.
  6. 有效的宣传. 学生将 preach effective sermons that are exegetically faithful to the biblical text and fitting to the congregation, 运用适当的风格范围, form, and sequence appropriate to the substance of each sermon.
  7. 精神的形成. 学生将演示 familiarity with and appreciation for the church’s spiritual tradition and the disciplines of prayer and devotion, and exhibit a capacity to evaluate specific instances of spiritual practice from a 神学 standpoint.


  1. 解释圣经. 学生将能有效地诠释经文, using a wide variety of approaches informed by an understanding of biblical history, the social and cultural realities of ancient Israel and the early church, 以及译员自己的语境.
  2. 理解历史和文化. 学生将演示 an understanding of the life and thought of the Christian community in its historical expressions and of the interrelations between Christianity and global 文化.
  3. 神学和伦理反思. 学生将能够 engage in constructive 神学 and ethical reflection, informed by an understanding of the content of the Christian faith in its historical and contemporary articulations, as well as current Christian thinking on philosophical, 科学, 政治和文化发展.
  4. 领导角色: 学生将 function successfully and effectively in 引领ership roles, evidencing critical awareness of the social context of their ministry and the capacity to have an impact on that context.
  5. 精神的形成. 学生将演示 familiarity with and appreciation for the church’s spiritual tradition and the disciplines of prayer and devotion, and exhibit a capacity to evaluate specific instances of spiritual practice from a 神学 standpoint.


  1. 调查和重点知识. 学生将演示 达到… 对各种神学学科的概括性知识, 在一个特定的学科集中的知识, 或者跨学科知识.

The following outcomes will be met as they apply to each individual M.T.S. 项目:

  1. 圣经知识. 学生将演示 knowledge of biblical history, 文学, 文化, 解释理论.
  2. 理解历史和文化. 学生将演示 an understanding of the life and thought of the Christian community in its historical expressions.
  3. 神学和伦理反思. 学生将 能够 engage in constructive 神学 and ethical reflection, informed by an understanding of the content of the Christian faith in its historical and contemporary articulations, as well as current Christian thinking on philosophical, 科学, 政治和文化发展.
  4. 综合语境反射: 学生将 engage in integrative contextual reflection in an area of ministerial practice, 包括传福音, 说教, 敬拜, 田园保健, 和/或教会领导.


  1. 学生将能够 demonstrate advanced understanding of their stated area of focus.
  2. 学生将能够 identify and evaluate the primary methods of research in the stated area of focus.
  3. 学生 就能 formulate useful research questions and develop research strategies in the stated area of focus.


  1. 学生将展示专业知识 in the theology of vocation, 引领ership and community building in the context of ministry.
  2. 学生将演示 superior ministerial skills in adaptive 引领ership and community building.
  3. 学生将整合e practice based on sound 神学 and contextual analysis.
  4. 学生将演示 professional integrity and ongoing growth.


  1. 洞察力学生们将表演音乐剧, 神学, 礼仪和上下文辨别力, including the ability to make sound musical and 神学 judgments about works performed, (e.g., 有效性问题, quality and contextual appropriateness on the twin levels of text and music) and the capability to situate a musical work in a local context.
  2. 技能学生将展示音乐技巧, including advanced accomplishment in an applied area appropriate to a faith community’s piety, and informed by the history and analysis of the genres of church music as well as by sensitivity to the ways current technologies can aid the realization of the music’s goals in its contexts.
  3. 教育学学生将实践有效的教学法, including an understanding of faith formation through music for musicians of all types and ages, and application of processes for engaging musical participation by choirs and the congregation in 敬拜.
  4. 神学的框架: 学生将演示 an understanding of the discipline of sacred music within a larger 神学 and cultural framework.
  5. 神学: 学生将演示 clarity toward a theology that positions music in all its dimensions as praise to God and service to neighbor, 作为基于圣经的献祭和预言, 并宣讲福音.
  6. 人际交往和组织能力: 学生将 practice interpersonal sensitivity and organizational skills, including the ability to foster professional interpersonal relationships, 音乐团体中的基督教团体, and skills to effectively administer a music and 敬拜 ministry that supports the mission of a congregation in its context.


  1. 学生将 能够 identify critical issues in pastoral ministry related to 敬拜 and church music and implement holistic strategies for improvement in relationships and performance.
  2. 学生将 能够 evaluate research that integrates various musical traditions with recent developments in liturgy, 文化与崇拜, 仪式研究, 和唱赞美诗.
  3. 学生将 能够 demonstrate refined skills in an applied area including, 但不限于, 管风琴演奏, 崇拜中的键盘, 公理的歌, 合唱指挥, 吉他, 和冲击, 与他们的主要关注点相结合.
  4. 学生将 能够 apply these methodologies and performance skills in the context of their social location, 包括他们的会众和社区.