
*Indicates that courses with an asterisk (*) are taken with Doctor of Ministry students

1. 职业及领导能力课程(9学时)

An integrative approach that provides emotional and cultural competence assessment for personal and professional issues in ministry. Enables a clear sense of self in respect to emotional and cultural dynamics. Equips leaders with effective communication skills to enhance practices of ministry for 器官izational settings. 三个学时. 所有DPM学生在六月的第一个学期必修. 三个学时.

实用神学研讨会:天职、领导力 & 社区*
使用实践神学框架, this course explores the theological meanings and intersections between vocation, 领导与社区. Particular emphasis is given to the relationship between gospel and vocation, 领导和事工的实践, 社区和世界. 三个学时. 所有DPM学生在六月的第一个学期必修. 三个学时.

CM 9379 Models of Leadership, 社会制度, 及社区参与* 
Focuses on the characteristics and strategic planning of 器官izational leaders in churches and/or non-profit 器官izations who develop social and self-sustaining programs for congregations and communities. 三个学时

2. DPM专业课程(15学时)

An exploration of the role of music and arts in connecting congregations to their communities. 利用大都会内外的艺术资源, this course will facilitate conversations with missional church leaders and those in the emerging field of Community Music, offering 策略 for building relationships beyond the walls of the church through the arts. 本课程与cm9379领导模式相关, 社会制度, 及社区参与*. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时.

A seminar focusing on the integration of a particular applied musical skill into the student’s 礼拜仪式的上下文. 应用教学领域包括合唱指挥, 器官, 键盘, 倾斜(声音), 吉他, 作文, 以及其他礼仪艺术. Students will integrate their chosen applied area of study into a creative worship context and present this service to the class with a theological, 礼拜仪式的, 以及背景理论. Taken in the student’s community in conjunction with a mutually approved mentor. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时.

A critical examination of the complex juxtaposition of Christian ritual practices and theology, with attention paid to specific historical and contemporary praxis within cultures. 将讨论改革的途径. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时.

CM 9324问题田园音乐
An in-depth study of church music genres with including score analysis, 历史背景, 礼拜仪式的上下文, 以及神学和哲学基础. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时.

This course will focus on recent trends and resources on music and worship in order to gain a historical perspective and greater understanding of the nature and role of congregational song in worship and ways to improve congregational singing. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时.


3. 选修课程(3学时)

DM 9349圣召、领导与圣经的语境
Examines the interpretations of selected biblical traditions that offer meanings of vocation, leadership roles and community character for contexts of ministry. 三个学时.

DM 9350教会、社区和领导模式
当代和神学基础的考试, 策略, and manifestations of Christian ecclesiologies and ministerial vocation and leadership. Attention will be given to models of ministerial leadership at church level as well as non-parish models of response to the social environment. 三个学时.

DM 9347上下文分析
An examination of the contexts and 策略 appropriate for understanding the relationships between congregations and communities. Attention also will be given to broader national and global forces operating in specific settings. Explores and equips students with tools to analyze and interpret church/community structures and situations in light of the immediate context and regional and global trends. 三个学时.

CM 9369 Leadership and Vocation in Church and Community: A Theological/Historical Exploration
Considers themes and figures in the Christian tradition that provide students with the rich experiences of theological and ecclesial understandings of Christian vocation and leadership in context with the church and communities. 三个学时.

A focused independent research project initiated by the student or the professor on a topic beneficial to the student's practicum or thesis. 三个学时.


4. 专题、实习和论文(12学时)

综合项目实习与论文研究相结合, 精心设计的田园田园体验, and a written thesis addressing both the nature and the creative practice of music ministry, and research that has the potential for application in other ministry contexts.

CM 9309 Integrative Seminar and Strategic Planning in Contexts of Change and Transitions*
This course offers the students a case study approach where theological knowledge, 领导工具, and strategic planning for community are employed for contextual analysis in order to implement desirable goals, 管理组织的复杂性, 并提供一个与基督教一致的异象. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学时

The project practicum has two options depending on the student’s context. 1) The Applied Pastoral Music Practicum is a supervised experience in pastoral music ministry in a student’s congregation and community setting. 2) The Research Pastoral Music Practicum allows qualified students to engage more deeply in research on an approved topic. 在学生第三年学习期间拍摄. 所有DPM学生必修. 六个学时.

Building upon the Applied or Research Pastoral Music Practicum, the written project thesis is a contribution to the understanding and practice of pastoral music ministry through the completion of a doctoral-level thesis. 所有DPM学生必修. 三个学期小时.