
  • 噪音时代的洞察力

    Dr. 弗雷德里克·阿基诺



    We live in a world with unprecedented (and quicker) access to vast quantities of information. In one sense, we feel more connected through social media and various technological advances. At the tap of a finger, the requested pieces of information are readily available. 从另一个意义上说,我们被噪音淹没了of social media, news outlets, and the relentless stream of facts and opinions. An important challenge involves learning how to cut through such noise and differentiate between peripheral and salient pieces of information.This course will explore how the Christian virtue of discernment helps us think about and respond to such a challenge.

  • 基督教会:温度计或恒温器?

    牧师. 马克C. Grafenreed

    Ph.D. Candidate in Religion and Culture, Graduate Program in Religious Studies at SMU


    Thermometers 和恒温器 are invaluable instruments, especially during toasty, Texas summers! 然而, 温度计, 记录温度, 和恒温器, 监管它们的机构, 当它们无法操作或无效时会有问题吗. 基督教会也是如此! 本工作坊探讨牧师. Dr. 马丁·路德·金.’s 1963 “Letter from Birmingham Jail” and explores whether today’s Christian Church is a thermometer that is an “archdefender of the status quo” or a thermostat that “transforms the mores of society.”

  • 可见性神学

    Dr. Grace - Kim

    在亚裔美国人的故事中,隐形一直存在. Invisibility is not only a racial and cultural issue, but also a profound spiritual issue. This lecture seeks to understand how marginalized and oppressed groups can become empowered by working toward a Theology of Visibility. 可见性神学 uplifts the voiceless and empowers the invisible, moving beyond experiences of oppression and toward claiming their space in the kingdom of God.

  • 在大银幕上:通过电影融入圣经


    Ph.D. Student in Hebrew Bible/Old Testament, Graduate Program in Religious Studies at SMU


    Since the earliest days of cinema, Bible stories have been popular subjects for filmmakers. 然而, films about the Bible can function as more than just mere entertainment. Film offers a unique interpretive method that engages multiple senses, 开辟新的洞察途径, 对话, 和问题. 利用一系列的电影剪辑, 互动活动, 和讨论, this workshop will explore how films about the Bible can help us read the text with fresh eyes, 提出新的问题, 并获得对圣经的新见解.


  • Putting Our Bodies in the Way: Reading the Bible with Yoga Poses

    Dr. Susanne朔尔茨




    Join a physically grounded, spiritually deepening, and intellectually expansive workshop. 我们将在练习瑜伽的同时阅读诗篇1篇. 既然我们三个小时都不做瑜伽, we will also learn about and discuss the meaning-making processes involved when we read the Bible while practicing asanas. What kind of reading strategies do we use for such a biblical interpretation, and why? How do our traditional commentaries compare to this kind of biblical reading? What do we even mean by yoga, and how has this practice become part of Western culture? How might Christian congregations benefit from integrating contemporary asana and pranayama practices into their educational work, 神学反思, 甚至是礼拜仪式? Wear comfortable clothing that allow you to stretch and sit on the floor. 提供瑜伽道具. 最多10人.
  • 马克·W. Stamm

    Take Me Out to the Ball Game: Reflections on Baseball and Pilgrimage

    Dr. Stamm马克



    “Take me out to the ballgame” says the famous song (Jack Norworth ©1908, 1927).   你听到了什么??  Perhaps you hear an invitation to an outing with friends and family, but perhaps also invitation to a journey that extends over a lifetime.  这句话可能会唤起人们的回忆, 这些可能是希望和失望的复杂混合, 胜利与失败, 即使是悲剧.  用一些著名的棒球故事作为我们的镜头, we’ll discuss various spiritual themes and particularly some stories about healing and reconciliation.  我们会在这个过程中找点乐子的.

  • Steuernagel



    Assistant Professor of Church Music and Director of the Sacred Music and Pastoral Music Programs


    Christianity is a patchwork quilt of denominations and traditions. 通常, participants see the music traditions of their denominations as consolidated bodies of music. But under that veneer of consolidation lie histories of transformation, 电阻, and other modes of negotiation of musical styles and theologies. 本次会议将探讨这些隐藏的流程, giving participants an opportunity to reflect on the musical journey of their own congregations and curate music that speaks to current contexts and challenges.

  • 小西奥多·沃克.


    Dr. 小西奥多·沃克.



    We will do theological and ethical studies of Matthew 5:43-48, 马修22:34-40, 路加福音4:14-19, 我们一起大声朗读这些段落. We will learn some of the theological and ethical content of selected biblical passages. We will learn to appreciate methodical-disciplined-supererogatory (Wesleyan) bible study, 包括圣经排练.  

  • 迷宫车间

    牧师. Dr. 詹姆斯E. 森林



    The 迷宫车间 will explore the ancient practice of the prayer labyrinth as a means of engaging sacred space both without and within. As all contemplative disciplines are balanced by pragmatic action, this course will holistically combine brief classroom learnings on the history and symbolism of the labyrinth with the practical experience of navigating the labyrinth within the Perkins cloister.* The class will conclude with a moment of mutual sharing and reflection. 最多20人.

    *The use of ‘finger’ labyrinths will likewise be available for those whom walking proves challenging.