Fall Teaching Awards


Each year, 我们非常荣幸地向全校优秀的教师颁发教学奖. For the 2021-2022 year, 我们将为三个奖项挑选教员:金野马奖, The President's Associates Award, and The Provost's Teaching Recognition Award. 

Each award carries a $1,000 stipend. 这个奖项让我们有机会庆祝我们队伍中对教学的承诺. 这些奖项反映了我们对卓越教学的集体承诺, 我们渴望成为一所具有全球影响力的更伟大的研究和教学大学的核心是什么.

The Golden Mustangs, SMU alumni who graduated at least fifty years ago, 有没有设立促进教与学的奖项. This award of $1000 is given each year to a junior, tenure-track faculty member, whose teaching is consistently excellent; whose courses reflect thoughtful curricular development; and whose scholarship makes a meaningful contribution to the discipline and to student learning.


2023 Recipient:

Devin MatthewsDevin Matthews, Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences

Devin Matthews 是戴德曼人文学院化学系的助理教授 & Sciences. His CV illustrates his prolific scholarly activity. It boasts impressive grants and a significant number of articles, highlighting his dedication to both research and teaching. 其中一封推荐信指出,Devin的许多学生提到他们在他的物理化学(量子力学)课上“玩得很开心”,而这些学生称这门课“有趣”,这证明了马修斯是一位多么有天赋的教育家. His teaching philosophy, 他在教学中具体使用了哪些技巧, showcased a thoughtful and intentional pedagogical style. 他的教学有一个独特的方面,就是将参与成绩与办公时间的访问和出勤率挂钩, 确保学生参与和个性化互动之间的直接联系.

Click on the link to access a list of previous recipients.

校长助理杰出教师奖每年颁发给终身教职员工,以促进教学和学习. 这个1000美元的奖项旨在表彰那些作为教师一直取得高成就,并且其奖学金对学生学习做出有意义贡献的教师.


2023 Recipient:


Nishiki Sugawara-BedaNishiki Sugawara-Beda, Meadows School of the Arts

Nishiki Sugawara-Beda 是梅多斯艺术学院的艺术副教授. 委员会注意到她的档案显示了她的学术追求和学生学习之间的特殊联系, fostering a dynamic educational experience. 她不遗余力地与每个学生建立深厚的联系, 确定他们的优势,并引导他们认识到自己独特的潜力. 贝达教授致力于丰富学习环境,这是显而易见的,因为她把有成就的演讲者带到她的课堂上, facilitating direct interaction between students and scholars. 她的教学效果是突出的一贯优秀的评价, receiving a perfect 5 out of 5 rating on several of them. Additionally, 一封热情洋溢的推荐信证明了她卓有成效的教学方法, 同事们通过参加她的课程表达了个人的成长.

Click on the link to access a list of past recipients.

教务长的教学认可奖授予全职教学和专业教师,他们表现出对卓越的承诺和对教学和学习的完美奉献. 教学和专业教师候选人必须在提名年度之前至少连续5年全职教授学分课程. 这个奖项提供了一个机会来表彰这些重要的同事对新大教学做出的贡献. The award carries a $1,000 stipend.

2023 Recipients:

Matthew Boulanger

Matthew Boulanger, Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences

Matthew Boulanger 是德德曼人文学院人类学系的高级讲师 & Sciences. 他也是考古研究团体(ARC)的主任。. Having been nominated for the award previously, he demonstrates a sustained dedication to exceptional teaching. 布朗热教授精心编写的教学陈述在其他教学陈述中脱颖而出. Notably, 他将自己的研究融入到他的大型入门课程的教学中,这使他与众不同. 新加坡管理大学的同事们给他的推荐信强调,他在将几个主题联系起来方面做得很好, highly engages and excites students, employs effective self-deprecating humor to his teaching, and is a fabulous university citizen. 他帮助学生超越普遍假设看世界和应对挑战性话题的能力值得称赞, fostering excitement among students.  很明显,他超越了教学,承担了大量的指导和学生培训.

LaiYee LeongLaiYee Leong, Dedman College of Humanities & Sciences


LaiYee Leong 是德德曼人文学院政治科学系的讲师 & Sciences. 她也是新加坡管理大学总统历史中心的杰出研究员和约翰·G·霍普金斯大学的高级研究员. Tower Center for Public Policy and International Affairs. 梁教授的一封推荐信强调,在她的办公时间,“成群的学生”来到这里, mentoring, 以及课外支持,她“让学生参与学术对话”, 鼓励他们把自己看成和他们所读的学者坐在同一张桌子上.” Her teaching philosophy, which has a focus in creating empowered individuals, 她在课堂上运用了具体的活动例子. For example, at the start of each semester, 她邀请学生提出问题,引导他们的探究,让学生掌握自己的学习过程. Professor Leong’s teaching evaluations were very positive and included comments such as “I think Dr. Leong is the best professor in the department. 她营造了一种课堂环境,即使我错了,也能让我安心参与.”

Click on the link to see a list of prior winners of this award.