
The 教员薪俸及绩效基准制订专责小组 is a committee of faculty representatives tasked with analyzing faculty salaries and making recommendations for adjustments based on data-driven assessments. The President's Executive Council (压电陶瓷) has used the task force's recommendations to make salary adjustments for faculty lines, 包括终身职位(TT)和非终身职位(NTT), 继续保持新大在市场中的竞争力.  

Below are a series of frequently asked questions regarding the task force, 工资调整和中央加薪池. 



The 教员薪俸及绩效基准制订专责小组 is a committee of faculty representatives tasked with analyzing faculty salaries and making recommendations for adjustments based on data-driven assessments. The task force has been meeting regularly for the past several months and has visited with various key stakeholders across campus, 包括 教师参议院 高层领导.

工作小组的教员代表向委员会提交了调查结果 教务长办公室 供审议,这些调查结果已提交给 总统行政会议 (压电陶瓷). 临时选举委员会批准了一个新成立的委员会, centrally-funded raise pool for all non-tenure-track (NTT) faculty as well as market-based salary adjustments.

所有拥有终身教职的全职教师, 终身, 非终身制职位也包括在研究范围内, 除了研究教员和访问教员. 研究人员由非中央来源资助, 客座教授都是短期合同.


比较数据来源于 CUPA-HR数据库, which categorizes faculty into unique classifications based on tenure status and years of service. 然后对这些分类进行基准测试 学科级CIP代码. Comparison data was drawn from public and private R1 and R2 universities in order to achieve sufficient comparable data. 这代表了, 共有800所院校, 275个机构的子集, 占了59,318个终身教职(TT)和27个,239非终身制(NTT)薪酬供比较.

Non-tenure track faculty are classified into four categories based on years of service (0-3 years, 4 - 6年, 7 - 14年, 和15年以上), 而终身教授则被归为助教, 联系, 还有全职教授. 两组教员也被交叉分类 学科级CIP代码.

展望未来, the target compensation for positions will be a minimum of 95% of the market median based on a) discipline and b) years of service per the four categories described above (for NTT faculty) or rank (专为教职员而设).

  • 78% of NTT faculty and 93% of TT faculty were benchmarked at or above 95% of the median based on the data.
  • 22% of individuals in NTT lines will see their pay increased through a centrally funded allocation.
  • 7% of individuals in 终身/tenure-track lines will be reviewed for potential increases by their deans and department chairs.

将在常规绩效周期中进行调整. 教师 who receive an adjustment will be notified of the amount when they receive their annual salary letter at the conclusion of the merit performance decisions. 这些信件将由每个学校或学院发出.

No, 不会对教员的薪金设置上限, and recommendations are not being made for adjusting salary differences above the determined threshold.

Deans have received reports of all benchmarked salaries in their respective schools/college. Each faculty member’s salary has been specifically benchmarked to the national median as a percentage above or below the median by both discipline and years of service (or rank, 专为教职员而设). Because SMU is a private institution, salary data is not made publicly available.


是的. The central raise pool will fund each of the two promotion steps for NTT faculty at $3,000元及6元,000, 分别. This pool is available when faculty are promoted using the published and approved NTT promotion guidelines. 这个提升池将在所有未来的推广周期中可用. The separate central raise pool for tenure-track (TT) faculty will continue.

是的, these centrally-funded raises will be made at the same time as centrally-funded raises are made for TT faculty this cycle; the new salaries go into effect beginning with the academic year 2024-25.

Promotion raises made in previous years were made internally within each school/college and will not be adjusted centrally a second time. 薪资调整仍然可以通过年度绩效池进行.

是的, based on feedback provided to schools/college on their NTT Promotion Guidelines, 所有教员职位, 包括讲师和高级讲师, 会有两个晋升步骤吗. 教师参议院 is collaborating during the spring 2024 term with schools/college to confirm these changes, 政策也会相应调整.

The two studies examined distinct groups of employees at SMU and used different benchmarking data sets for comparing salaries. The faculty salary study looked at both tenure-track and non-tenure-track positions at SMU. 它比较了来自 CUPA-HR数据库, which organizes faculty based on tenure status and years of experience.

Meanwhile, the staff compensation study focused on the majority of staff positions. 它使用了CUPA-HR数据的组合以及来自 新大的同行和有抱负的机构 以及DFW地区的雇主. 这两项研究都依赖于全国工资的中位数进行比较, 两者都没有考虑到生活成本的调整

The median compensation targets for faculty and staff are determined by market data and the specific traits of each employee group, 包括资格, 专业知识, 和经验. The demand for staff and faculty positions in the market varies and thus can lead to compensation at various percentages of the median. 员工职位可以在不同的行业中找到, 高等教育之外, whereas faculty roles are often more specialized and less widely available. 另外, the responsibilities and expectations 联系d with faculty and staff positions can vary significantly. 例如, 终身教职员工通常有教学工作, 研究, and academic service duties that differ from the administrative roles of staff members.

You can send questions or comments about the study and the results to facultysuccess@ap-db.com.