Igniting the future of business education

As part of SMU Ignited: Boldly Shaping Tomorrow – the University’s new $1.50亿美元的影响力运动——考克斯商学院宣布了两项大胆的举措,将 propel us into our next era of innovation: an 考克斯学校建筑的大规模翻新和扩建项目 and a drive to endow MBA scholarships, 授权下一代商业领袖以有意义的解决方案迎接重大挑战. 

“一个多世纪以来,考克斯商学院激发了伟大的思想,塑造了改变世界的人,”R. Gerald Turner, SMU president. “这是学校历史上的下一个篇章,承诺通过提供更多的发现机会来建立考克斯的卓越传统, collaboration and research. I am excited to see what the Cox School, fueled by SMU Ignited, will accomplish.”

Already, 捐赠者已经投入了1亿多美元,用于塑造考克斯的领导力管道,并在那里创造一种文化,鼓励教职员工和学生在校园里合作,在商业上开辟新的道路.

“考克斯商学院在改变商业格局方面的声誉和能力不断提升,” said Tucker Bridwell ’73, ’74, 曼塞菲尔德投资公司和迪安·格雷夫斯·欧文基金会主席,考克斯学校竞选指导委员会主席. “Empowered by world-class facilities and expanded scholarships, the future of the Cox School’s impact is boundless.”

Building a brighter tomorrow

要在最高水平上竞争,不仅需要高素质的教师和学生, 还要有合适的设施来促进卓越的教育和合作. 计划对现有设施进行为期两年的翻新和扩建, the Cox School of Business will further its goals and scope, 激发新的发展,迎接新的挑战,使其在世界舞台上具有突出的竞争力.

2019年10月,新大校友家族捐赠了5000万美元,这是新大历史上最大的单笔捐赠. Miller and David B. Miller ’72, ’73, co-founder and managing partner of EnCap Investments LP, 考克斯学校开始了大胆的改造和扩建项目的计划. Donors have answered the call, contributing more than $90 million. By April 2022, 新大寻求筹集项目破土动工所需的最后3000万美元,并创建新的和改进的设施, 哪一种环境将为培养学生提供所需的环境,以适应日益协同和技术整合的商业环境.

Expected impact

  • Provides welcoming, technologically advanced spaces to fuel innovation and contribute to the “9-to-9” culture at Cox, 在哪里,教师和学生被鼓励在校园里合作和建立联系.
  • Encourages collaborations to help faculty, students and partners tackle grand challenges.
  • Empowers top-tier students 来到山顶,带着新大的进取精神走向世界.

“Our newly revamped buildings, classrooms and meeting spaces will spark bold thinking, 开创性的研究和服务明天的企业家的需求,” said Cox School Dean Matthew B. Myers, Tolleson Chair of Business Leadership and David B. Miller Endowed Professor in Business. “我很感谢我们慷慨的支持者,他们在我们长期以来的传统基础上不断适应行业不断变化的需求.”

The business of changing the world

此外,考克斯商学院还启动了一项3000万美元的项目,为MBA提供奖学金. Since its founding, 考克斯吸引了来自全国和世界各地的顶尖商业头脑——学生, 教师和校友的进取精神影响着世界的经营方式. 奖学金支持促进了我们的本科和研究生课程的卓越性在世界范围内的认可. Our students are bold, 创新和自信——随时准备推动世界现在需要的解决方案——商界正在注意到这一点.

In the newly released Bloomberg Businessweek Best B-Schools 2021–22 ranking, a well-respected indicator of the top MBA programs nationally, SMU Cox ranked 31, moving up 11 points from 42 in the last ranking two years prior. This classification is based on input from employers/recruiters; the graduating class of ’21; alumni from the classes of ’13, ’14 and ’15; and data submitted by the Cox School on compensation, learning and entrepreneurship. 这一巨大的飞跃显示了考克斯MBA对商界的意义. MBA奖学金使更多的学生受益于考克斯研究生课程提供的高度重视的教育.

慷慨的支持者卡罗琳和大卫·米勒以及已故的埃德温·L. Cox ’42 have already put SMU halfway to our goal of $30 million, 1500万美元用于培养领导人才,增强下一代企业家的能力. 米勒夫妇从他们历史性的5000万美元捐款中拿出1000万美元,与埃德·考克斯一起参加MBA奖学金挑战.

米勒凭借篮球奖学金获得本科学位,凭借教学奖学金获得金融MBA学位. He understands the power scholarships can have on one’s path. 米勒说:“新大在我和我的家庭生活中起着极其重要的作用。. “This gift is an investment in its future. 我们很高兴能够支持Cox推进商业教育和培养有才华的商业领袖的前瞻性愿景.”

米勒夫妇支持MBA奖学金的礼物是受到已故的埃德温•考克斯(Edwin Cox)的启发, the namesake for the Cox School of Business. As a native of Mena, Arkansas, 考克斯于20世纪30年代末在新加坡管理大学完成了头两年的本科学习. He went on to earn I.A. and MBA degrees from Harvard Business School, 之后,考克斯从事石油和天然气勘探和生产方面的职业,之后创立了Edwin L. Cox Company, for which he served as CEO.

“Throughout his life, 我父亲最大的爱好之一是帮助下一代商业领袖发现新项目,重振商业前景,” said Berry R. Cox, chairman of Cox Partners Inc. “我父亲的遗赠——提供MBA奖学金——将以我们无法想象的方式改变人们的生活,推动创新.”

To get involved or learn more about how to invest in the Cox School priorities,联系考克斯商学院(Cox School of Business)发展主管阿什利 apitts@ap-db.com or 214-768-4988.