
保单号码: 7.22

政策部分: 人力资源

修订日期: 2021年6月22日

1. 政策声明

Official University-observed holidays will be designated each fiscal year by the President of the University.

2. 目的

The purpose of this policy is to provide eligible employees with paid leave for designated holidays.

3. 适用性

Employees in the following categories will be paid for designated holidays:

  1. Full-time Benefits-eligible employees;
  2. Part-time Benefits-eligible employees; and
  3. Partial-year employees with benefits during their working months

4. Department Administrative Rules, Procedures, and Guidelines

The Department of 人力资源 and the Payroll Department, under the purview of the Vice President-Business and Finance, have oversight and administrative responsibility for this policy. Holiday designation and religious holidays are addressed in Appendix A below. Rules and guidelines for Holiday Pay are outlined in University Policy 4.14、假期工资.

5. 节日名称

On or about the first of every May, a memo will be sent from the Office of the President designating the dates of official SMU holidays. The holidays are designated within the academic calendar. In those instances where all holidays are not so designated in the academic calendar, the President will permit floating days or assigned dates when classes are not in session.

6. 宗教节日

大学, as a nonsectarian institution of higher learning founded by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South and the citizens of Dallas, recognizes and welcomes the diversity of religious traditions represented on campus. The Official 校历 (responsibility of Faculty Senate) will be published for each year. An addendum to that calendar will list religious holidays (responsibility of the Provost's Office through the Chaplain's Office). University policy authorizes members of the SMU community to request alternative accommodations for required activities when observation of a religious holiday (specified in the addendum) requires an absence.

  1. Faculty must notify their department chair (or otherwise appropriate person within their department) of any such absences that will occur as a result of this policy and explain alternative accommodations that will be made for missing a class such as holding a make-up class, 演讲嘉宾, 等.
  2. Staff must notify their supervisor not later than two weeks prior to the occurrence of any such absence that will occur as a result of this policy. The staff member may take an accrued vacation day or unpaid leave for this excused absence.

7. 问题

问题 regarding this policy should be directed to the Department of 人力资源 at smuhr@ap-db.com.


修改后: 2021年6月22日

采用: 一九九八年三月三十日

The official University Policy Manual is housed in the Office of the University Secretary. 大学 Secretary is responsible for maintaining new and updated policies and for maintaining this website. Should the official University Policy Manual conflict with any internal policies, 程序, departmental administrative rules, 或指导方针, that may be contained in manuals provided by schools, 部门, or divisions within the University, the official University Policy Manual controls.